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Thursday, September 15, 2016

Another Year Gone By

Josh continues to be in a good place.  He gets wobbly every now and then, but for the most part I find his coping skills much better than they used to be.

He went off of his medicine again about six months ago, and while I saw him get wobbly in the spring, he never went too far one way or another.

I relieve my stress about a back slide by reminding myself that he has, in the past, gotten himself back to the doctor and back on meds when things start to get bad, and so I remind myself that he seems to be self aware and that he'll take care of it.

He purchased a house this March!  A really adorable 2 story, 3 bedroom, 2 1/2 bath home that's about 6 years old.  A great starter home.  He and his girlfriend now have two dogs and two cats.  He doesn't feel like he'll ever want children, and with all those animals I don't think he needs a child right now.

I pray all the time that we continue to be blessed with his improved mental health and I pray that for you and your loved one too.