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Tuesday, December 21, 2010

No Chirstmas Miracles Here

Josh is doing 'ok'. He's at his father's, and apparently doing quite a bit of self medicating with pot. Unfortunately, his father partakes as well.

He stops by every now and then to pick something up. Last week when he came by I asked if he'd like to go out to eat with me.

We had a very pleasant time together and there were moments when the conversation turned to 'heavier' things.

We were talking about pot, about how surprised he is by the number of people my age who smoke pot.

"Well, some people never outgrow it I guess, but me? I guess I'm high on life, I don't need pot."

"Well, you've got a pretty nice life."

"Yep, but Josh, no one handed it to me. I worked hard for everything I have."

He said that he doesn't really want what I have. He has his sights set a bit lower, a small apartment, food, maybe internet access.

Let's hope his desire for those simple things drives him to ACT.

Last night when he stopped by he said he hasn't begun looking for a job yet.

So maybe he's not all that driven yet?

Last night he seemed a bit down, I think his mood was mostly driven by frustration. Life is very frustrating for him right now. He doesn't LIKE living at his dad's, mostly because of his step mom, and his days must seem endless now that school is out and he's stuck in a house with no cable or internet.

Which would spur me to get the heck out of there and get a job, but then, he's not me.

He will be coming here Christmas morning for our traditional Christmas breakfast and he asked what we were doing in the evening. I told him we were deep frying a turkey and he was more than welcome to join us. Not sure if he'll do that or not, but I hope he does.

When we're together, he occasionally tries to play the victim card with me, or he gets accusatory, but I quickly set him straight.

Personal responsibility and all that, don't ya know.

While I'd love to see a Christmas miracle at work where Josh is concerned, I think it's too soon for him to have a real epiphany, but maybe someday soon?

1 comment:

schmadrian said...

"People stay where they are until they're uncomfortable enough to move."

Hope you have a Merry Christmas and that 2011 brings you what you most crave.