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Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Movin' On

Josh and I went Apartment shopping this weekend.  We spent so much time waiting at the first place we visited, that the second place we were interested in was closed by the time we got there.

About that first place.  They have no studio apartments available right now, but do have Jr. One Bedrooms.  The rent for that is $439, as compared to $414 for the studio.  They are total electric units and the tenant pays electricity and water.

We didn't get to actually SEE an apartment though.  One would be available for us to see TODAY.

Our other option is an older complex I pass all the time on my way downtown.  It is about 15 minutes from my house.  I have always LOVED this complex.  The buildings are French Provincial and the complex is full of huge, mature trees.  Years ago, I had a girlfriend who lived in a studio in this complex and I really liked it. 

It's kind of funny, cause I've always driven past this complex and thought it would be a good fit for Josh when he was ready for an apartment.  I don't know WHY I've always felt that way, but I have.

I called there last week and was told they had studios available and the rent was $510 a month.  However, they pay the gas heat and water, so Josh would be responsible only for the electric.  Still, for someone who is just learning to cover his own expenses, the price difference between this place and the other was significant enough to concern me.

Josh came by this afternoon so we could go see that first apartment and also check out the second place.

"Mom, I'd kinda like to see that other place first (the $510 unit).  I don't know, I just didn't like the feel of that other complex, so I guess I'm really interested in seeing this other one first.

The lady I had talked to on the phone last week was SO nice, and she was in the office when we arrived.  She was just wonderful, both Josh and I commented after we left about how nice she was.

As we were discussing our situation, that I would be helping Josh with his rent for awhile as he's just getting established, she mentioned that they don't accept Co-Signers.  "We feel that the person living in the Apartment takes better care of it when their name is on the lease.  But we kind of get around this by allowing you (Mother) to submit a little letter that states you will be contributing X amount of money to assist Josh.  This usually helps our Manager with the approval process."

We had several questions and she told us that there is a laundry facility in each courtyard, and actually, there is one in the building she planned on showing us.  The machines are coin-op machines, but are FREE!  I told Josh that's really unusual and could save him $10 or so a week.  She also told us that they don't collect a standard damage deposit.  We would give her $200 to hold the apartment for 30 days, and that money is applied to Josh's first month rent.  Again, this is unusual, but really great.

The grounds and buildings all appear to be well maintained, she told us that the man who built the complex owned it until he passed, and the complex is now owned by his daughter, who lives on the property.  I was impressed by this and I think this complex is unique in that it's not owned by some big corporation or as an investment vehicle for some huge insurance company.  And that seems to show in the way the place is maintained.  The lady we spoke with today?  She's worked there for 30 years and lives on the property too.  As does her daughter.

Anyway, we took a short walk over to the apartment.  This apartment is upstairs.  Josh and I both loved it.  When you walk in, directly in front of you is a dining area that is large enough for a normal sized dinette and four chairs.  You'd have to skirt around the sides of the dinette to get into the kitchen behind it though, so again, not a large area, but decent sized. 

The kitchen has an apartment sized, four burner range and an apartment sized fridge.  There's a dishwasher, but no microwave.  The cabinets and countertops are 'dated', but in great shape.  There's even a counter on one wall with room for two stools.

The main living area is very sunny, there are two large windows on one wall (that have mini blinds), and there is a decent sized coat closet.

What amazed us both was what was behind the living area and kitchen.  A HUGE walk in closet (12 feet long) with built ins down both sides.  Hell, it's bigger than my walk in closet.  Right when you walk into that area (the closet is to the left, the bathroom is to the right) there is a built in desk with a cabinet above it, just big enough for a computer and chair.  The bathroom is nice sized and clean and neat.

Then the lady gave us the best news.  "I don't know when I talked to you last week, but I think it may have been before our special kicked in.  This unit is renting for $452, instead of $510."

Josh put in an application and we went to get a bite to eat.  Shortly after, we received a call that his application was approved and he made plans to pick up the keys Friday.

I'm so excited for him.  There's just something about that place that feels good to me, and to him.

"I think I'm more excited than you are," I said.

"Nah, I'm pretty excited, I just keep it inside I guess.  You know Mom, I only have to sleep in that horrible house and deal with Dad and Denise four more nights.  You have NO idea how excited I am about that."

We talked about what stuff Josh wants to take with him and how he'd arrange it.  When he left he thanked me, "Thanks Mom, for helping me with all this.  I think this is something I can handle.  It might take me a couple of months to get my finances in order, but I think I can manage this, I don't feel overwhelmed by it.  I'm pretty excited to finally be getting MY life going."

I do think Josh's mood will be positively impacted once he's in this great little place.  And I'm hoping that he WILL be able to handle it on his own.  The good news is that this is all in HIS name, I'm not legally responsible for anything.  But the interesting thing is that just a few short months ago, Josh was AGHAST at the concept of signing a year long lease anywhere.  At that time he DID feel overwhelmed by the responsibility of it.  After living with his father for a few short months, he's changed his thinking on all that.  I guess that's a good thing, huh?


schmadrian said...

It's an *excellent* thing.

Here's to more coming your way.

Rootietoot said...


Anonymous said...

an unrelated comment: I know you are an avid reader, so you might want to consider reading some Stephen Fry, specifically his autobiographies (i think the first was "Moab was my washboard"). Mr Fry of course comes from a very different situation (the book is described as a coming of age for a gay man) but also suffered from Bipolar. He writes about bipolar from that perspective and how it has shapped his life. Apologies if you have already read all this before and this is nothing new.

Bella Rum said...

This is fantastic. You're long overdue for some good news.

schmadrian said...

Maybe you can comment on the difference between the Josh in this post and the one from 'Hopeless'.

If a clinician were watching these two interludes, what would they advise/observe?

I'm just asking to try to separate the 'contributing factors', to get a better picture of how he is under certain circumstances. In this situ, one of hope and change, he's good. In living with his father, one at where he was just getting through each day, he's not.

So; do you feel bipolar is impacting his circumstances...or that his circumstances are impacting his bipolar...and whatever else is running parallel? (Low E.Q., for instance.)